Online Ressourcen

Auf dem Weg der Spieleentwicklung gibt es viele Herausforderungen, Hindernisse und Dinge, die man einfach nicht weiß.

Doch du bist nicht allein, irgendjemand in der weltweiten Community hat wahrscheinlich eine Antwort für dich.

Schau dich um und teile deine Online Ressourcen mit anderen.

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Was du hier findest

Im folgenden findest du eine Liste an Online Ressourcen, die sich den Themen Videospiele und Spieleentwicklung auf unterschiedliche Arten widmen.

Die Liste unterteilt sich alphabetisch nach Themenfeldern (Art, Development, Game Design etc.) und Art der Ressource (Websites, YouTube Channels, Tutorials etc.).

Unsere Sammlung ist keinesfalls vollständig. Wenn du selbst eine Online Ressource kennst, die hier unbedingt mitaufgeführt werden sollte, dann schreib uns einfach eine E-Mail.


Online Ressourcen Liste




Game Developer Plattform
Articles, Tutorials, Jobs and Events with the focus on helping devs Make Better Games.

GDC Vault Plattform
Educational Resource for the Game Developer Community


Ask Gamedev YouTube Channel
A group of game industry veterans that make videos on the game development industry and how to make video games.

Extra Credits YouTube Channel
Take a deeper look at games: how they are made, what they mean, and how we can make them better.

People Make Games YouTube Channel
We tell cool stories about video games and the people who make them.


Game Development


Sebastian Lague YouTube Channel
Advanced videos on topics such as world generation, AI, Simulations in Unity.

Code Monkey Unity YouTube Channel
Unity-specific videos on game programming and the newest Unity features.


Game Design


Design Doc YouTube Channel
Discussing various topics on game design.

Game Maker’s Toolkit YouTube Channel
A deep dive into game design, level design, and game production.

Razbuten YouTube Channel
Exploring video games‘ various themes and mechanics that I find interesting or questionable.

Snoman Gaming YouTube Channel
Analyzing principles of what makes games great.

The Architect of Games YouTube Channel
Videos on various game design topics, often analyzing current games.


Narrative Design


Just Write YouTube Channel
Video essays on movies, literature and writing.

The Closer Look YouTube Channel
Breaking down your favourite Movies, Games and Shows to find out what makes them tick.


UI/UX Design


Design Doc YouTube Channel
Discussing various topics on game design.




Game Art Tutorials YouTube Playlist
Learn game art and general digital art techniques.

Stylized Station YouTube Channel
Exploring game art, whether it be 3D, 2D, VFX or anything else.

New Frame Plus YouTube Channel
A series about video game animation.

Video Game Animation Study YouTube Channel
A channel that studies video game animation.

Animation for anyone YouTube Channel
An educational series focusing on the ideas behind animation.

Saultoons YouTube Channel
Videos about art, pixel art, game dev and other creative projects.

Every Frame a Painting YouTube Channel
A series of video essays about film form, framing, composition and other things.


Game Art Tricks Tutorials
Verschiedene Tipps und Tricks vor allem zu 3D Grafiken.

Game Logos Inspirationen
An overview of a large array of video game logos.

Game Squares Inspirationen
Tiny sneak peeks at games – mostly indie games that are weird, new, fresh, beautiful, disturbing, intriguing, or anything else.

PlayPeep Inspirationen
A quiet, straight-forward look at good-looking games as a reference for game creators, illustrators and user interface designers.

Lowspec Tutorials & Tools
For people creating pixel art and other restrictive digital art.

Pixel Art Tutorial Dump Tutorials
An imgur list of singular tutorials about pixel art.

Pixel Joint Community & Inspirationen
All about the pixel art community including forums and galleries.

final boss blues Tutorials
Set of pixel art tutorials originallay aimed at people using RPG Maker.


Sound & Music


Sideways YouTube Channel
Analyzing movie soundtracks and music in general.



game Bundesverband Plattform
Verband der deutschen Games-Branche.

Gamecity Hamburg Plattform
Supports, connects, and makes the extensive games ecosystem in Hamburg visible.